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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 25, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EST

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>> now booktv attends a book party for the publication of ann coulter's "mugged: racial demagoguery from the seventies to obama." she talks to guests and signs books at americans for tax reform here in washington. this is about 20 minutes. >> he ordered his on amazon.
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spent how are you? are we going to sign that later? okay. hello. hello. thanks for coming. >> thanks for writing the book. >> nice to meet you. hello. hello. spent nice to meet you. >> gary johnson? no, no, no, no. you've got to be a romney girl now. >> how are you? good to see you. >> my own newspaper held me over and i was explaining, it's rude to lose your watch in the middle of an interview. it's like a half hour later. spent do you know brian?
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>> i haven't seen in such a long time. why wouldn't you have me on? we are? that's great, that's great because i will be in new york for that. hello. i will see you later. that was good. do you know who it is dedicated to? >> no. >> it's a crackerjack surprise inside. has your husband read it yet? spent he's busy. leave him alone. >> he changed his e-mail address on the, by the way. spent i don't know what your e-mail is. >> both of you change your e-mail address on it. i hadn't planned to say anything but since i'm late, my publisher, editor at eagle told
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me it would be polite for me to say something. so i just want to for startup i think it's all human events fault that i was late. that's the most important thing. it's not my fault. and thank you so much for all come tonight. sensuality anything about this in any of the mainstream media, except the view, love those gals. i really, really do love them because everything they were saying is everything released by the near times. but "the new york times" is too chicken to argue with me about it. and without sounding like this paranoid, i've never had a book as ignored by the mainstream media as this book. my first book i did a series of morning interviews. this one, they won't even attack me when i'm out, not there, which is what they usually do. know, this one they do not want you to read because it is, it's an emergency book. i wanted it to come out before the election.
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it's a brief history of racial demagoguery, from the left, and to point out that it's never produced whitefield is only produced disaster, heartbreak, crime, death. it has been a disaster for america. most of all for black people, and to the point of it is to say don't fall for white guilt again, america. the last time you fell for it was in 2008, and look what that produced. so don't fall for it again but don't make the same mistake again. and also i think it's a fun book to read. most of it will be stored you have never read before. thank you and i will sign your books now. [applause] >> is this yours? >> know, that's a mine. >> thanks. thank you. are you leaving? >> i have to. spent it's your fault we didn't
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get to mingle. >> i know. i'm sorry. >> i got to come back to d.c. that's all i'm getting from you? >> you already got enough from me. spent i was just telling my friend how i tell all the whippersnappers, you hang on islands everywhere. you was the one and you just don't even care about that. you don't even care. and also, we always agree. like when we ran off -- i know. my whole support for christie was like running off with a biker. i'm back to romney. you write about that. >> [inaudible] >> i'm giving him a big head to match his body.
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good to see you guys. thank you for coming. [inaudible] >> thank you. thanks for coming. >> how are you? >> nice to meet you. >> i brought my friend, rick. he's a struggling democrat. >> on the dark side. >> i gave him your book. he made it to page 17. spent which one? >> your previous one. >> demonic. >> that's a good one. >> i'm working him. >> my name is random, but right this one of francis.
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>> this one is a fun book. >> i am looking forward to it. >> it starts with a whole series of crimes. i think it's more personal just have the first name, don't you? >> i agree. thank you. >> thank you. the reason i like this, you are very funny. >> thank you. >> you are my only hope. >> thank you. >> what a pleasure. i'm john. my dad came from new york. >> bless you. thank you, thank you. thank you.
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spent this is for my woman, to angela, please. she couldn't be here. she's opening up her shop. >> i hope we repeal obamacare for her. spent and this is for my mother-in-law. we take very good care of the women. >> this corrects the history on 200 years. >> what a pleasure. keep up the great work. >> thank you so much. thank you for coming. hello. >> [inaudible] >> or he will take his job. >> there you go.
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[inaudible] >> how do you know kelly? >> [inaudible] >> you are here in d.c.? >> yeah, yeah. >> she is my favorite surgeon. it really nice to meet you. stay on this side. if we start a trend it will take too long. and by the way, my handwriting was a little worse because i was writing while i was taking the picture. did it come out of? >> i have no idea. >> you're going to love it. thank you. >> i have to, one for me, one for my and. -- my aunt.
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>> did i spell that wrong? >> no, that's perfect. >> thank you. thank you for coming. >> yeah. >> keep them moving here. >> hi, my name is john. >> nice to meet you, john. [inaudible] >> it's a timely book, that's why there's a few typos in it. your name is john? >> john. >> so why did you leave oklahoma? there's a lot of oil out there.
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you just can't drill it. >> were not allowed. know, i joined the military some 20 years. settle down here. >> all, good for you. thanks for your service. thanks for coming. >> thank you so much. >> technically no pictures. you can do it while i'm signing but otherwise people -- [inaudible] >> i hear that a lot. >> it's actually his birthday, too. >> happy birthday. >> i met meredith by the way. >> nice to meet you, meredith. i want to see we work spent actually i was in the center for public justice. >> what's that? >> today it's an organization
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that works for promoting -- [inaudible] >> oh, good for you. [inaudible] >> haven't heard of it before. i will look into it. thank you. hello. >> can you make it to richard and cecelia? >> yes. richard and -- >> cecelia. >> thank you. keep up the good work. >> who is this one for? >> [inaudible] >> is that you? >> that's my and actually. >> that's nice of you. thank you. nice to meet you. hello. what's your name?
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>> tim. >> hello, tim. >> i'm in sales. >> so nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> [inaudible] >> in case i ever need dental work. >> that's right. >> do you have an accent a? >> southern accent. i'm from arizona. >> thanks are coming. >> you are much more beautiful in person. >> thank you. thank you, i love you for that. >> what's his name?
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>> nelson. >> when it's his birthday? >> hollow when -- halloween. >> [inaudible] >> i am from colombia. >> all, you are? thanks for coming. and you did it even with that. what happened to your ankle? or your wrist. [inaudible] >> you can do a better summary of my book than i can. i [inaudible]
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>> have i been to all of them? >> i don't know. >> i would get him on twitter, don't worry. i'll get them on twitter. >> thank you. thank you very much. ..
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>> it is so nice to meet you. >> nice meeting you. [inaudible conversations] >> thank you, yeah, i'm sure we will. iv imac [inaudible] >> my handwriting isn't much better when i'm looking. >> nice to meet you, too. >> is it for you?
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>> it's for my son, zachary, a lawyer out in pittsburgh. >> pittsburgh that thank you. thank you for coming. [inaudible] >> word adamic -- were getting meet you? >> the heritage foundation. >> the democrats are about to move on from the blacks and hispanics anyways. [inaudible]
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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible] >> what's your name again? >> michelle. not michelle obama. >> hi, nice to meet you. this is for you? >> yes, my name is logan. >> what do you do? >> underwriter, too.
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>> and working as an economist right now. >> initiative made to stand up and understand the new unemployment number. [inaudible] >> no, but i wanted to kiss her because it got me so much press. [inaudible] website that there was low-key they asked all the things. so i loved that. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. nice to meet you.
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i don't like >> -- 55th anniversary. >> fantastic. when is it? >> today. >> happy anniversary to you, too. >> on your screen now as brains and occurred, professor at the university. his most recent, two generations, for families and history of america's influence in the middle east. professor vandermark, who is daniel was?
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how did he go about doing that? >> with american entrepreneurial spirit. he also had the financial backing. i've been phelps dodge in the 19th century. >> book was reverend bliss is cool and founded the american university? >> 's initial cool deferred from what became his life work. he came determined to convert muslims to christianity and very quickly realized that wasn't going to happen the way to make a connection was not to convert them, but to educate them. and to improve their lives and tangible ways because that's what they responded to positively. once he had the inside, he had
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what became the greatest university of her release. >> isn't still open? >> it is. it weathered many tech theories, but it remains open and stay that way. >> who owns it, who rents it? >> it is still run by a very impressive faculty of professors and administrators who are middle easterners and american. daniel liss and peter gorman who is a psychologist by training and shared with the important departments at the university of chicago before he took the shot of a couple years ago. >> is it coincidental uses direct consignment was that on purpose?
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>> he has a personal passion for the school because of his family connections. >> i can come in the american university, or who runs the? >> faculty air missile easterners. the vast majority of students. >> is it associated with religion, another school? >> is deliberately secular nonsectarian. >> what does it cost to go their four-year? >> i have no idea. >> what would it cost and reverend bliss this day. >> i don't thought that either come over 10 and open a store not offspring and delete, but to people of all ethnicities, classes and that's its appeal, it's mary. >> how is it viewed in the middle east and how is it the reverend bliss opened it? >> all-star with the chronologically earlier one
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first. there's a lot of suspicion when the school opened in the 1860s. this is run by christian missionaries, americans who didn't have very deep roots in the region, but rather quickly it became apparent to middle easterners who are not just orthodox christians, but this is the best place to get the possible education and within a generation may 1900 have become what it remains to this day, which is the harvard of the middle east. what is magnificent is that it is on collusive this institution founded by americans that exist to serve the interests of the people of the middle east, regardless of background and is an example given to the region and not taking from it. >> professor vandermark, d.c. aup has been a part of american
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diplomacy to the middle east? >> only indirectly. the leadership has attempted to maintain its independence from the united states government, which i think is appropriate and practical, but it seems american interests in the sense that it gives middle easterners of whatever background a sense that the united states has the humanitarian presence in the middle east. it's not all about access to oil or deployment of forces. the americans have been there for 150 years getting to the region and much more prior to call and beneficial ways for the people of the region and not just for us. that's why he wrote the book. i wanted them to know them and the american people to know that story. >> was malcolm curran and what happened to them? >> use of political science
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professor who left the year before i arrived to work on a phd in east ucla. his parents had been on the faculty at aup and though he had made a very distinguished career for himself in the united states as a scholar in the middle east, gila home to leave the school during the difficult time when beirut had fractured civil war and the israeli incursion of 1982. the city was a mess. the school is under assault. he believed that going back and running the school and providing leadership at a time of crisis was the best thing to do for an institution that is loved and he gave his life to the school was assassinated in january of 9094. >> by who and how? >> most likely by the fanatical wing of hezbollah, a group known
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as islamist jihads the comprised lebanese shia who had historically been underprivileged, excluded from the politics and economics of the country, had ideological affinity for the regime in iran, from 1979 and have been radical in the israeli purge to lebanon in the 1980s. there is a very toxic mix that let them should make steps the climax of the assassination of malcolm kerr. >> was he targeted? >> because he was an american. not only american, but very visible presence in the middle east. there is no more high-profile example of america's involvement in the region in the presence of uav. >> this american university put in beirut on purpose?
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back in 1850s, what was beirut like? >> a ruthless and still is a multicultural cosmopolitan international city, were east meets west. then and now, muslims and christians on mexico exist to a different degree and the american missionary presence in the middle east was significant in beirut and it became sort of launching pad for creating what became the greatest university in the region because of this action. >> at the university happened but in another middle eastern city and survived? >> perhaps, but the american presence was no greater anywhere else in addition to being ambition is an visionary and practical and compassionate come was very picchu radically american. he wanted to create a school
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that was not going to be controlled by other nationalities or other interests. he wanted a score that represented the american model of education, that this american values and key people in the middle east and awareness that american education was something that would benefit their lives every day in tangible ways and he succeeded. >> why is it important to tell the story? >> has most middle easterners and americans for example are aware of this longer, deeper, humanitarian dimension of america's involvement. when we think about the middle east committee usually centers on oil, israel and military security and middle easterners feel like ways. they don't think about whether the longer routes that have nothing to do with oil, nothing to do with israel having nothing


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